ClearLine Interactive

WordPress Webcare Plan

Protect your investment by making sure your website is updated, backed up and secure.

You can never undo the damage done by a hacker, you can take steps to prevent it. Even the most basic protection will discourage many hackers enough to make them go looking for easier pickings elsewhere. And if anything does happen you’ll want your site back online in a flash.



Plus you get these bonus benefits when you sign up!



Your Website Is Critical To Your Business

You have a website that is crucial to your business. It generates leads, customers and revenue (or at least it should). It’s a channel through which customers, suppliers, potential new staff and partners will find you and engage with you. It is fundamental to the success of your business, and you want peace of mind knowing that it will be available for your audience 24/7 without interruption, and that it will continue to support ongoing business growth.


All Software Is Vulnerable

Software needs updating to stay secure and take advantage of technology advances. The unfortunate truth is that all software is vulnerable, including the software that powers your website. More and more websites are getting hacked and attacked, including the big players like Twitter and Facebook as well as millions of small businesses every day.


Take Advantage Of New Strategies

Your competitors are innovating (or maybe leading the way) with new websites and online strategies. The world is getting smaller as more of us connect to the web and that means that it is only going to get harder to keep up, let alone stay ahead of the pack. We’ll work together to develop a strategy for success.


Do It Yourself?

Keeping your website up to date, backed up, secure and consistently bringing in new leads can be a time consuming and overwhelming process. It takes you away from what you should be doing, which is building relationships with your customers, staff and partners. The technology and strategies continue to evolve and it’s a full time job to keep abreast of all the trends and developments.

Here are some frequently asked questions

Does my website need to be built in WordPress to use your service?

Yes. Our WordPress Webcare Plan is specifically designed to protect, update, and secure websites built using WordPress only.

Am I locked into a long term contract when I sign up?

No way. We aren’t the type of company to hold customers against their will. You can easily cancel your payments at anytime and keep your service till the end of that current month.

Does this service secure my site with an SSL certificate?

No. This product is specifically designed to protect, update, and backup your WordPress website. We can help you to secure your site with a SSL certificate with this product.

Do we need to use your hosting?

Nope. You can stay with the hosting provider that you already have. Hosting is included in our WordPress Webcare Plan but it is optional. If you would like to migrate your site to our server, so you can save money on hosting, we can help you with that free of charge.

What about third party themes and plugins, do you update those?

We can, but at an extra cost. This product includes updates to themes and plugins available for free through WordPress. Updates to purchased themes and plugins need to be determined on a case by case basis, and licensing fees are never included. If you are unsure if your website is using any third party themes or plugins we can check for you.

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